Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Come on in...

Here is a look into my space at Deerfield (my home base school).

View as you walk into my section.

Bookshelf. Not much on it yet!

Dr. Seuss Poster I made.

"Vowel Sounds" posters I made. 

Main Idea/Details & Text Features posters for the older ones.

My desk! Nice and tidy, the way I like it! ;)

Of course I have to display my favorite author/illustrator's work, Bill Peet.

I have a window, I was very excited about this! The other side of the room has no windows and I love natural light and NEED to see outside periodiclly for my sanity.
Also displayed: festive Valentine window clings!

Please Recycle!

Each tub has the weekly lesson materials for each group I see

Animated Alphabet display.

This is where all the reading group action takes place! Right at the kidney table! 

On the "wall" behind the table I have reading genre posters
This shelf is behind the table with any materials I may need for groups.

Pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, dry erase markers and a fold-up white board.

Individual white boards, pointers, timer and "whisper phones".

This is a "whisper phone" it is part of a PVC pipe that students use when they need to read aloud while at the same time not disturbing others. The student talks into one end of the phone and can hear themselves reading through the other end!

Flashcards, magnetic letters and daily behavior materials. The green accordian file holds notecards for each group member. Each day students can earn (rather lose due to behavior) a stamp or sticker, on Friday if they have all them they get a "Deer Buck" that is used for various items or privliges in their classrooms.

ABC manipulatives I made to use out of cut & laminated magazine letters.

Also a great way to recycle those old magazines!

I hope you enjoyed peeking into my room. There will be more to come, I am currently working various projects and making games to do with the students and will post those soon!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Well, Hello There...

Blogging...why not? I want to share and use ideas I find on other blogs for my classroom! This is also a great way to show my family & friends my classroom and also get a better idea of what exactly I do. That leads me to my next part...
  • My position is ISA Reading (Instructional Support Assistant). AKA: Title I Reading in some districts.
  • I have a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education & am currently looking for a job as a classroom teacher. In the mean time I am learning a lot and gaining some much needed experience!
I will be posting mostly pictures, projects (most from Pinterest) and other things I have done to document my journey into teaching!
Deerfield Elementary

                                                             Sunflower Elementary